Weight(grams): 8000
Dimension: 45 cm (Length) x 30 cm (Width) x 45 cm (Height)
Just like a cafe, the Bambino Plus does not compromise on the four key elements for true third wave specialty coffee. Delivering barista quality performance using a 54mm portafilter with 19 grams for full flavour and an automatic steam wand for milk texturing that delivers true handsfree microfoam at the right temperature, just as you would see from our top of the line the Oracle Touch. With a 3 second heat up time from a cold start, along with instantaneous transition from extraction to steam, you can make a coffee even faster.
- Compact Footprint
- ZERO heat up time
- Precise PID temperature control
- Intuitive user interface
- Automatic milk frothing, can create micro-foam for latte art
- Adjustable milk temperature, auto-off
- Adjustable texture level
- Auto steam wand purge function
- Low pressure pre-infusion
- 10 bar over pressure release valve
- 19g filter basket
Inquiry - Breville THE BAMBINO PLUS BES500 (Contact us now and claim your discount vouchers)